Wednesday, December 28, 2011

New Year 'fun & dine' party

We have a 'Fun Club' at Mantri's; and they have lined up New Year 'fun & dine' party this Sunday.
Welcome drinks: 7.00 p m
Games for kids: 7.15
Dinner : 8.00 p m

The children's games will be held at the Clubhouse party hall. Event organisers are counting on fair weather, so that we can have a poolside dinner. The Sunday party, first such event at Mantri's, is contributory.
Residents can contact their block representatives for event coupons. Non-resident apartment owners, and others, from communities such as Akshaya, Rosedale, Victoria Towers etc. in our OMR neighbourhood are welcome to join the party. They could call Mr Balaji/Mr Satish at PropCare office - 29856000 - for coupons. They cost Rs.250 per adult; and Rs.100 per child (below 10).
The 'fun & dine' party is an initiative by a three-member Mantri residents committee. Congrats, I believe, would be in order. And those who wish to do so should please call: Mr Ujjal Mukherjee (E-803) - 9840119444; Mr Ramkumar(H-205) - 9962522868 ; and Mr Jagadish (H-105) - 9176665661. You could also call them for coupons.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Wonder if the Mantri Events committee could consider Seniors' discount - say, Rs.150 for anyone over 60.
