Thursday, December 1, 2011

Mantri moments

Every other morning I do a walk-around with a camera on  Mantri Synergy campus. I didn't take my camera  this morning when we set out,  but once  on the Mantri driveway (where we do the walking) my wife and I were so thrill by the sight of rising sun that my wife went back up to our 9th floor flat to fetch the camera.        
By the time she could make it down we lost valuable moments when the sun,looking like an out-sized football in glowing orange, appeared through a layer of cloud. Not only did we lose the best sunrise shots. I couldn't take proper shots of even the available moments when the sun was fast losing its contrasting orange glow.   I haven't mastered how to make appropriate use of exposure options available in my amateur Kodak M753.

Maybe Mantri residents with flair for photography could get together on Sunday mornings for a photowalk around Mantri's and in Padur neighbourhood. Our photos  can then be displayed at at the Clubhouse foyer, as Mantri residents photo exhibition to be held once a month or two.

For more images,look up OMR Resident on Facebook.

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