Sad to hear about the plight of the child. While we can put up with many nuisances in the hope they would go away some day, we can't afford to ignore the well-being of children. Dust nuisance can be lessened by putting up a bamboo curtain on balcony (we have done this in D-901).

Other suggestions: 1) Would appreciate if Mr Ram could monitor the time and duration when the dust-raising machine operates. After getting data for a week we, along with PropCare, can take it up with the housing project next door the question of regulating the machine's operation to a fixed time daily. So that we know when to keep our balcony doors/windows shut.
2) As Mr D Venkatesan suggests, we could take up with the next-door project management the issue of steps they need to take by way of damage control.The pollution board people who, presumably, allowed the dust-raiser on site, can be involved in discussion.
3)Faculty/students at Hindustan University environment/structural engineering dept. can be approached for guidance. Maybe they could be persuaded to take this as a case study.
4) Chettinad Hospital can be approached for a health advisory on the steps the affected residents, notably children and the ailing, could take to cope with dust in the air.
Maybe we can share our concerns with the local media. I can visualize a newspaper cartoonist doing a sketch depicting Mantri Synergy residents moving about/sitting on the balcony with air-mask fitted in their mouth - the ones worn by the traffic cops posted at road-crossings.
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