How about drafting a check-list of possible points of water leakage/wastage in our households.Besides, we could think of conservation by changing some of our ways. For
instance, some of us keep the sink water running while brushing teeth. Using a mug, instead of washing face in running water,can save water.
When Mantri community gets going, we can persuade school students in our complex to volunteer for household water audit on weekends or during vacation.Volunteers can run through the water audit check-list at their own flats, and also those of their neighbours, and report to PropCare any plumbing or other repair work that might be needed to check leakage.The student volunteers can also suggest steps residents can take to conserve water.
ReplyDeleteYes, the water is pure but I have not tried drinking. It is safe for plants as I used to have a pipe to my `Thulasi` pot which also had a surplus drain facility & it survived for several years. Just have to make sure the pipes that carry them are not clogged. This water can certainly be used for plants, trees & fountain. Neat transparent pipes from the water vent can be connected & just let into the lawns & plants as drip irrigation. This also saves labour costs in places where lawns & plants are manually watered. Your suggestion of auditing water by Synergy Children in each apartment is possible if Parents & other residents encourage. It can be done once a month to check & plug leakages.
`Project Mac Water` - `Mantri Audit by Children` (Mac) !
It is the determination & encouragement by elders & enthusiasm by children that is required. I would go further to suggest that an exclusive Children Chaat Corner be made operational every last Sunday evening of the month & the Association can pick up this bill for their Pani, Bhel & Masala puris on the terrace. Why not ? Dont they deserve it ? Water Warriors!
Sunday 'chaat' corner sounds interesting. But restricting it to only children would be unfair to moms and grand parents who usually escort the children.They could be asked to pay for their chaat. Anyway, let us shop for a good, clean paani-puriwallah who can set up shop for us on Sunday evenings.
ReplyDeleteMore on our search for that 'chaatwallah'. We can seek guidance from the blogger who runs 'The Chennai Foodie' - http://chennaifoodreviews.blogspot.com/