Monday, March 19, 2012

Who killed the coconut trees ?

Mantri project team, winding up its work at Mantri Synergy complex (OMR),has in a farewell gesture to residents chopped three coconut trees on the driveway to our clubhouse.A memorial service would be in order.
I wonder if PropCare/project team so much as cared to inform, let alone consult, Mantri residents representatives (ad hoc committee) before the tree slaughter. Unlikely. Because the secretary and vice-president, to whom I gave vent to my frustration this morning, were just as surprised and mad as I was at Mantri's gesture.
It is not just a matter of felling a few trees. It's Mantri's attitude with which I have an issue. Aren't they accountable to residents, who are represented by an ad hoc committee ? At individual level the issue of tree planting/protection has been raised repeatedly in this blog, in a recent e-mail to PropCare, and also with Mantri's landscape architect, Mr Sekar James. And they responded to our plea with supreme indifference.
My inquiry with a friendly security man revealed that the coconut trees on clubhouse driveway were chopped on orders from EB (electricity board). They ruled that the trees had to go, before EB could give power connection to equipment (transformer ?) that has been installed near the gas bank close to our grocery stores. Maybe there is no appeal against EB's ruling on such matters.
If the coconut trees had to go, for whatever reason, I would appeal to Mantri's 'green' sense to arrange for compensatory planting of trees. We could use some mid-day shade along the main driveway. Would suggest a row of neem, so that in a decade from now, Mantri residents can count on a tree-lined driveway.

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