Saturday, May 21, 2011

Morning after Sat. night's shower (photo story)

Took a walk to nearby Padur village this morning, after last night's rain in my part of OMR.
Floor-level Mantri car park that was cemented a couple of days back.

The driveway at Mantri Synergy
Waterlogged highway in front of Mantri Syergy.

Padur, after a shower, is not particularly pedestrian-friendly.
Bengali mess that caters to a sizeable migrant construction labour force that stays in Padur.

1 comment:

  1. On the positive side, I presume the OMR road expansion work is ongoing & the level will be increased though we could face waterlogging on this part of the OMR.

    Mantri has to take up the issue of waterlogging inside Synergy. `Big projects like these face issues such as these` is not what we can take as an answer from them. I have brought it to the attention of Mantri Seniors Mr Karthik & Mr Manoj today & copy pasted your photo & hopefully, they will look into this & resolve it to our satisfaction. We must keep gently pushing them to attend to these things. Sriraj - Mantri Synergy Resident.
