And I address this mail to Manikandan, Ramesh (all security staff), and Murugan (house-keeping) as well.
It is nice to know that we have on the Mantri support services staff youngsters like you pursuing higher studies. And it is a matter of community pride. I am sure other Mantri residents would agree to a suggestion that your hardwork and determination call for celebration. We could do so by planting a couple of saplings in Mantri Synergy on the Community Planting Day we observe on the last Saturday of every month. It is July 30 this month.
1) I would like you, Vishnu, along with the other three, to approach Sriraj Sir (D-1202) and Chakraborti Sir (F-904) for help and guidance in organising the tree-planting programme.
2) You can count on them to approach Propcare Sivaram sir to get suitable slots alloted for planting two neem saplings.
3) Arrange to procure from the nursery or from some place else two neem saplings (say 5 to 8 ft. tall). I am sure one of you is resourseful enough to get the saplings for free from a local farmer. You should also be able to arrange for digging the necessary pits and for watering the saplings till they take root.
I wish I could take part in the tree-planting ceremony. But my thoughts would be with you on July 30. And I hope to find the saplings growing well when my wife and I return from our current US trip.
Meanwhile, I hope to hear from you, Vishu, regarding the tree-planting arrangement. Do foraward this communication to Manikandan, Ramesh and Murugan. I do not have their e-mail ID
G V Krishnan, D-901
(now in San Ramon, CA)
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