Thursday, August 16, 2012

Madras Week - Aug.19 - 26

If a city has a founding day,  Chennai's is August 22. It was on this day in 1639 that the East India Company took over Fort St.George and the seaside hamlets around it , from the local Nayak rulers for developing it into the city of Madras. Out of the Fort St. George grew settlements that sprawled over decades into a massive urban metropolis.
Having designated  Aug.22 as Madras Day  my friend and Adyar Times publisher Vincent D'Souza, and his friends Sashi Nair, journalist, and S Muthiah, local historian, put together a string of events around that date, to make it a week-long celebrations.
We could do with more such ideas. Why doesn't  Vincent , and his friends,   think in terms of  OMR Day, to celebrate the emerging residential stretch along the IT corridor.
Madras Week - Aug.19 - 26 - marking the celebration of the founding of the city  includes events for children, quiz enthusiasts, photographers, cyclists, walkers, and nature lovers. They have bicycle heritage ride; nature and heritage walks, photowalks, public talks, food trail, quiz contest and more.
I have a suggestion. When he is done with Madras Week would Vincent consider organising a meet-up with his friends so that we discuss possibilities for a OMR Week; or, at least, locating some events in Madras Week 2013  in our part of the city ?


  1. Hi Krish, point taken. OMR - or shd we go by the new name - Rajiv Gandhi Salai ( Road ) - can have its own Fest. Maybe a weekend only to start with. Id love ideas first. Then. committments!!

    Would have bene great to have at least 2 events to OMT for the Madras Week. It is still not late - maybe I can talk to 2 teams who are holding some exhibtions to have a 2nd show on Mantri's campus? They need just 800s q ft of space and some expenses to take care of.

    Old Madras photos, coins, odds and ends! A show on sat and sun with some drawings contests for kids will be good to do. Can be done even after Aug 26..more soon

    1. Have put in a brief note in Mantri Synergy in-house site - seeking our association's response to Your suggestion for a weekend Madras Week show at Mantri's.
      Meanwhile, would like to get an idea of the expenses involved.
