My Mantri Synergy friend and OMR Greens enthusiast Mr Santhakumar (with face-mask) might curse me for this photo. But then I couldn't readily lay my hands on any other photo, of the man who has made news at Mantri's. Mr Santhakumar has become a father. His wife gave birth to a baby boy last night (Friday), their first. The mother and child are doing well.
At Mantri's we have been trying to evolve a tradition, of getting parents to plant a sapling whenever we have a new-born joining our residential community. We planted a sapling - 'shenbegum' - to celebrate the first-born, at Mantri Synergy's Chakraborthy family, in May 2011. A mango was planted near the swin pool when the Ramkumars had a son, the second child to be born in our community.
We could have yet another sapling at Mantri's to celebrate child-birth, if we can persuade Mrs Santhakumar to do the honours.
Congrats buddy