Monday, April 22, 2013

Peace Lily as room freshener

My wife and  I have passed by this flower patch at Mantri Synergy on our morning walk for so many months without  giving a thought to  knowing so much as  the name of the plant, let alone its earthly use to our daily life.
This was till I saw a photo of the plant and read  The Hindu article - Green and clean - the other day.  They call it Peace Lily, and,  grown as indoor plant, it serves as air freshener. Peace Lilies grow easily, and they proliferate so fast that many people just throw away the extra plants that grow in their pots.         
"Grow them on your balcony or garden first and then bring them into your house to clean up the air", says The Hindu citing home gardener  Priya Mascarwnhas. The plant grows well in semi-shade and can be potted in a mixture of kitchen compost and red earth.


  1. Uncle, this is called Anthurium and is a native of South American countries. In Dubai, all hotels and office environments would have this, with varied colors: red, white, pink, yellow, green. More about this:

    When I travelled to Coorg, I saw Anthurium plantation farm in the resort "Orange County". It was very pleasant to see and be there.

    Happy to see that we also have this plant in our premise.


    1. Thank you, Vaidy, for your info. Did you know about the air-freshening property of this plant ?

    2. No uncle. Till I read this post. I knew it's Anthurium, but had no idea about it's nature.
