Wednesday, January 11, 2012

PropCare Sivaram is leaving

I took this photo in October when Mr Sivaram planted a neem to mark our first Gandhi Jayanti at Mantri's. There were no prayer meeting or bhajan singing; only the planting of a neem sapling close to 'Wish Well' area. Mr Sivaram may leave PropCare, but the sapling he planted at Mantri's serves as a living and growing reminder for those who would care to remember him, long after he leaves Mantri's to move on in life. This is what our community planting is all about.
As someone who had to deal with brickbats from residents on a daily basis, Mr Sivaram rarely lost his cool.He strikes one as a person with infinite patience to listen to people complaining, without interrupting when they are in full flow. Of course you don't always get him whenever you want him on phone, for your call gets diverted, at times,to his assistant Balaji. Who is authorized to tell callers that Mr Sivaram 'is in a meeting'.
As PropCare chief Mr Sivaram was always responsive to residents' demands, though he couldn't meet them all, to their satisfaction. On a personal level, I found him helpful, co-operative, and present in all our community activities. My latest, and the last, request to Mr Sivaram pertains to arrangements for planting a sapling at Mantri's on Pongal this Sunday.
Mr Sivakumar who takes over as PropCare chief tomorrow (Thursday) may well be planting the Pongal sapling that Mr Sivaram arranged for us.

1 comment:

  1. Mr.sivaram was helpful eventhough he found it hard playing a dual role helping Mantri Management and Residents satisfaction both together. Good Luck for the future sivaram.
